Tuesday, April 16, 2019


Planning a trip to Germany? 

 Are you a history buff? Do you love the history of WWII? Are you a beer drinker? Do you love visiting places around Christmas time?

Well, then I have the city for you! Munich, Germany is a fabulous to visit if you said yes to any of the questions above. When I traveled to Munich, it was for a long weekend in December. The downtown area of Munich was full of Christmas markets where you could buy Christmas ornaments and scrumptious food.

When I traveled to Munich, I spent a day traveling to see the Neuschwanstein Castle. Unfortunately, it was incredibly foggy the day I went but the architecture in this castle was a sight to see.  I wanted to share the pictures that most people are able to experience when they visit the Neuschwanstein Castle so if you are interested in visiting, follow the link for additional information! 

Village at the bottom of the hill

In addition to walking around the city of Munich, my friend and I also took advantage of the free walking tour that our hostel offered. We spent a day walking around Munich looking at significant landmarks that were from World War II. It was amazing to see so many structures that were still standing and to walk down alleyways that were once a war zone.

Beautiful Architecture 

Christmas Market Ornaments 

If you enjoy drinking beer, then the Hofbrauhaus House is the beer hall for you! We were able to enjoy live music and drink a gigantic pitcher of beer. The taste of German beer is incredible and it was neat hanging out here.

Did you know that there is surfing in the landlocked country of Germany? One afternoon, my friend and I stumbled upon this quaint garden with surfers! Yes, that’s right, there were surfers attempting to keep up with the strong current on a river!

Surfer's catching waves 

Overall, my favorite parts about Germany were the Christmas markets, food, and beer. I was really excited to spend my last weekend while studying abroad here because it made me excited to return home for the holidays. 

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