Tuesday, January 29, 2019


My name is Devon and I would like to welcome you to my blog.

I am currently a second grade teacher at a wonderful elementary school I have been teaching for three years. Everyday I am grateful for the profession that I pursued during my undergraduate experience at Bridgewater State University. 

Granada, Spain
As a teenager, I always aspired to travel around the world to learn more about the world we live in. During my first senior year in college, I had the opportunity to study abroad in Granada, Spain. After living with a host family for over three months, I traveled to over twelve cities and four countries. Needless to say, I returned to the United States and wanted to learn more about the world we live in. Ever since then, I made myself a promise to travel to a new place at least once a year. 

Five years later, I am still staying true to my promise. I have traveled to several cities nationally and internationally taking in every experience that I have had and applied it to my everyday life. Every time I embark on my new journey, I embrace every moment because the world we live in is full of beauty. I love to capture moments with my mind (and camera) to help me learn more about the world we live in. Fortunately, I am able to take everything that I learn with me and bring it back into the classroom with me. My students love to hear about different places in the world because they are so curious about the world they live in. 

I would like to welcome you aboard and enjoy the experiences and journeys you encounter through this blog. 
São Miguel, Azores


  1. Hi Devon! I'm so excited to read about all of your adventures! I don't get to travel as much, so I'll live through your adventures hahaha!

    1. Jenna, I hope that someday you get inspired to see the beautiful world we live in! Thank you so much for your positive feedback!

  2. Hi Devon! Sharing your travels with your students is an awesome idea because not only are you teaching about different places in the world but you could also make some really great connections with students who may have traveled to the same places. Maybe these students could teach you a few things about their travels too! :)
    -Kristyn P.

    1. Yes! I have a few ELL students who have lived in other countries and everyone loves learning about their cultures. Stay tuned, you will hear some in future blogs! They love it! In second grade, we do a whole unit on culture and I love sharing my experiences and stories with my students.

    2. I definitely agree with you Kristyn! When I went to Italy a few years ago to learn about different classrooms, the students in Italy taught me so much! I used what I observed and brought back what I learned to my preschoolers in the U.S. I would love to travel to more schools around the world.

    3. I, too, love traveling, it will be interesting to read about yours.
